Sunday, February 6, 2011

Learning Opportunities

What a long and busy two weeks its been! Today is the first day I've stopped going since the 24th of January! With the new school semester getting under way and club volleyball revving up, there hasn't been much time to spare.

I won't catch you guys up on anything that happened during that last week of January, because honestly, I don't remember. How sad is that? But I'm sure you've all felt my pain. When you're busy, you are only able to remember extremely important occurrences. Sometimes I get so caught up I don't even remember those. But thankfully, today on this slow super bowl Sunday I have the chance to collect myself before the start of another busy week.

The past two days have been the most eventful and memorable in my two week blogging lapse. On Friday, I attended one of the best parties of the new year so far. It was one of those that had the complete package: the kick butt d.j., the strobe lights that are so bright and confusing you have trouble recognizing people, the big dance floor, and of course, tons of 15-18 year olds who want nothing more than to dance and have a good time. Typical high school party. But of course there are always the 10 or so people who always show up to these things completely zonked out at around 10 o'clock. I cannot stand these people. They have a habit of ruining a perfectly harmless and fun night with their dumb choices. But for some reason we always put up with them.

I'm sure all of you out there have been to at least one of these parties in your life. And if you haven't then you more than likely will in the future. If you have then you know that if you're a girl, you dance with whoever is around you, regardless of if you happen to know them or not. This was what I was doing about halfway into my stay at this interesting party. And I will say that I was having a blast, until this squirrely, short, string bean of a guy came up and started dancing with me. He was one of those where it was immediately obvious that he was looking for someone easy if you know what I mean. SO not my scene, and definitely not someone a girl like me was going to put up with. We'll just say that that nasty little dude got the most polite and sincere shove in the chest that he will ever get in his life. I think I was pretty merciful, and I learned a little more about what my personal morals are and the courage it takes to keep them. All of you ladies out there would have been proud. But anyway, there's a little dose of high school drama for you older people.

Yesterday was one of the most fun days I've had in a while. We had our first club volleyball tournament of the season. For those of you who don't know, club volleyball is like a traveling team thing that I and many other players do to improve and keep playing during the off season. Volleyball is my love and my passion, my everlasting joy and my constant obsession. It's the one thing that I do solely for me; my little bit of individual heavenly pleasure. Yesterday my team along with our two coaches traveled down to Columbia for our first tournament of the year. Never have I laughed so much as with this group of girls and these coaches. We laughed even when we were losing, which I have come to understand is an extremely important attitude to have. No matter how tough things get, if you keep your energy up and your spirits light, you can acheive just about anything. My team's experience is proof of this. Even after losing our very first game of the tournament that went from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and being so tired we could barely see straight, we succeeded in winning first place in the silver division. Not a bad days work.

These two days out of my life were just more learning experiences. In two days I learned that if I'm going to make it in this world, I have to stay true to myself and what I believe in, no matter what circumstance I happen to find myself in. More than likely no one is going to be there to help me make the right decision, so I have to be confident enough to do it on my own. Since I'll be leaving for college in two short years, I REALLY need to make sure I understand this concept before I leave! Lord only knows what could happen if I don't.

I also need to understand that I'm only ever as sad or frusterated as I let myself be. I have the power to control my emotions, and my outlook on everything that challenges me. No matter what happens, I decide how I let things affect me and how I affect the people around me. It's hard to stay positive all the time, but it really can make a big difference in your personal quality of life and of those around you. So the bottom line is, think happy, and you'll BE happy! Never settle for lesser, draining emotions. Life just isn't long enough to mess around with those.