Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Modeling of the Mind

What do you think people see when they look at you? Just take a moment and think about it. Do they see arrogance? Kindness? Anger? Patience? What is it that you are displaying for them to absorb and remember you by? Some people never think about it, when in fact it should be an imperative piece of knowledge that each person knows about themselves. What are you putting out there for the world to see, and does anyone even really notice?

One thing everyone should know, is that people are constantly observing each other, and when I say that I mean it in the least creepy way possible. You know what I'm talking about. Say you're in the local McDonald's (Let me say I'm sorry for the constant food comparisons, but a good Micky D's large fry is constantly in the back of my mind telling me that the honey roasted peanuts and Diet Mountain Dew that always accompanies me to my desk does nothing to sway the snack craving one always gets around three o'clock in the afternoon. Oh the horrors of fast food.) and you hear the person in front of you order three Big Mac's, two large fries, and an Oreo Mcflurry to go. You immediately have thoughts along the lines of  'Gosh what a cow! Who orders all of that in one go?' rushing through your consciousness. You then take a step back and quickly survey their body weight and style to check if the crime of calories fits the suspect. We've all done it, but that grease-craving individual in front of you usually has no idea you noticed anything about their order, much less had a brain battle deciding if they might actually be able to consume such a beefy meal, and used variables such as their current body weight and appearance to help form your hypocritical hypothesis. (Let's remember you're in line yourself, so you aren't exactly guilt free there buddy.) But anyway, you get what I'm saying, we notice each other more than we think.

This subject was brought to my attention yesterday afternoon when I received an email on Facebook from a teammate of mine concerning herself and the practice that we had had earlier that day. It read:

"Hey girl ;);) I just wanted to say thank you for encouraging me today in weight lifting . It really helped .
  • & I know I get upset & stuff in prac but that's only bc I get frustrated bc we all work really hard & things still don't go right so I was wondering If you could help me get better at being more positive with everyone that would be great :):) I don't mean what I say it just comes out & I notice how your really good at staying positive w everyone so I was just wondering . Thanks girl ! ;)"

  • Just melt my heart why don't you.

    Now please don't think I'm writing this to brag about how great of a person I am, because that is certainly not the case. I suck at being nice most of the time just like any other moody teenager. But I really wanted to share this with you guys because it shocked me so much. I never realised anyone ever took notice of my behavior. Much less would ask for my help with their own. Talk about an eye-opener, and the fact that she had the maturity to say anything in the first place just amazed me.

    One thing you all should know about me, is that I'm never happier than when I'm out on that volleyball court. My demeanor changes completely from being a passive, calm person into this annoyingly cheery little girl who is just overjoyed at getting to run around and play ball with the people I love. My team is my family and together we do some crazy, awful, and amazing things. They might as well be my blood-relatives, because I would do anything for any one of them, and am constantly trying to make them as giddy and annoying as I am when we play and work. But until yesterday, I never thought anyone noticed. It just goes to show you that little things really can make a difference to those around you, even if you don't know it. So the next time you go out, think about how you might be being perceived by people, because you never know who you might be impacting; who's mindset you could help change. Go out with the goal of being a role model, one that can help us make this big place we live in all the better. 

    "People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy." - Oliver Goldsmith


    1. Love this! And it's interesting... I think we assume most people only notice the bad. But this just goes to show that sometimes being nice is so unusual that people can't help but take notice.
      Good for you!!! Keep up that positive attitude :)

    2. Just so you know...
      I'm generally that cow you mentioned who stands in front of you a Mc D's...thanks. ;) haha jk.

      But yes, I do agree. I think a problem we have in this society is a lack of honest self evaluation. So often if people even do take the time to ask themselves what the world sees when it looks at them, their response is often chalk full of narcissism and egotism.

      The sad thing is that some don't even realize it.

      I'm glad you're posting again! I like your thoughts Karson! :)

    3. Karson- Excellent points here. People do notice! It's so very nice when they let you know that they've noticed something wonderful about you. I think that emails says a lot about the girl who sent it to you.

      Now about Micky D's... Stay away from the fries! Filled with chemicals that are not good for girls.

    4. I hope they see kindness and tolerance, but you never know >:)

      Cold As Heaven
