Monday, January 10, 2011

What a Weekend

What does everyone do on their weekends? Because until this one, mine are all usually equally uneventful and completely boring.

This weekend so far has been an exception though. Went to a neighbor's house Saturday night to babysit and ended up having a blast. This is somewhat surprising, considering the fact that three 11-year-old boys and a 5-year-old girl should normally be slightly difficult to get along with for more than two hours. We were though, together for a total of six hours, none of which consisted of an exemplary amount of whining, fighting, or crying. Quite an accomplishment. We did stay busy though, baking a cake, figuring out the awesome easy-bake oven (got to love those things), me learning how to play 'Yeti', and the consumption of an enormous amount of apple juice and pizza. An all around successful and enjoyable night with those sweet kids.

Sunday was very plain, save for the always fun volleyball practice in Laurens County. Today though, was pretty amazing! For those of you who don't watch the weather channel, the upstate of South Carolina, a little of North Carolina, and the majority of Georgia got buckets and buckets of snow Sunday night and this morning. I don't remember another time when we had so much snow here. We were all so excited!

Spent much of the day watching it fall and sledding for the first time in years behind the house. Had a blast again with those same four sweet kids, even though we all almost froze to death from lack of appropriate snow clothes.

I will say though it isn't as pretty and fun anymore, the freezing rain and ice kind of sucked it up. But it's been almost like a mini-holiday because no one can drive anywhere or do anything, so for once everyone just gets to hang out together, which has been nice. Anyway, no school again tomorrow so it's bound to be another relaxing snowy day in the South. Think I might move a little farther north so this could happen more often. The lovely quiet and white outside so beautiful and pure you can't help but get lost in it. And I of course, rather enjoy getting lost.

"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into, the mind."

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